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CIRS 068胎儿超声模体

品牌: 美国CIRS
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-01-17 09:06

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体,CIRS 068模体

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体用于演示解剖学检查和估计胎龄

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体有助于在非压力情况下进行胎儿超声检查技术的教学和演示。


CIRS 068胎儿超声模体被安置在一个有2个视野的可旋转的圆筒内。



CIRS 068胎儿超声模体也可以用于三维重建,表面渲染和各种其他应用。可选手提箱。

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体特征:

CIRS 068
CIRS 068胎儿超声模体,CIRS 068模体

Fetal Ultrasound Biometrics Training Phantom CIRS 068
For demonstration of anatomic examination and estimation of gestational age

 Fetal Ultrasound Biometrics Training Phantom CIRS 068
The CIRS Model 068 Fetal Ultrasound Biometrics Phantom facilitates teaching and demonstration of fetal ultrasound examination techniques in a non-stressful situation.

A tissue equivalent full fetal model is suspended in a non-echoic, amniotic fluid-like environment.

The phantom is housed in a rotatable cylinder with 2 fields of view.

A variety of fetal/transducer orientations can be achieved for more challenging examinations. Transabdominal measurements of biparietal diameter (BPD), anterior/posterior diameter (APD), femur length, abdominal circumference and crown to rump length can be taken.

All anatomies are based on published biometric data at normal fetal growth rates for a gestational age of 21 weeks(1). This enables assessment of composite measurement techniques and biometric analysis programs common to most ultrasound scanners.

The phantom can also be used for 3D reconstructions, surface rendering and a variety of other applications. Optional carrying case is available.

Complete external fetal anatomy and surrounding non-echoic medium
Asymmetric head with upper portion of the skull
Right and left brain lobes
Lateral and third ventricles
Right and left femoral shafts with distal epiphysis

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体,CIRS 068模体实物拍摄图:

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体,CIRS 068模体

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体,CIRS 068模体

CIRS 068胎儿超声模体,CIRS 068模体

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