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美国RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体

品牌: 美国RSD
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-07 09:00

 美国RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体,RS-240血管造影头模详细介绍:

美国RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体

美国RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体填补了物理和解剖信息需求之间的差距。在组织等效材料模型中,精确的男性颅骨包含三维  高对比度血管模拟,以促进放射科医师对血管造影图像质量的主观评估与在相同暴露条件下实际测量分辨率和对比度的相关性。

美国RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体,RS-240血管造影头模

每个RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体包含一个5步楔形。2-10线对/ mm测试图案是可选的。其他模式或测试对象和自定义病理可以按照特殊顺序提供。

RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体提供了一个“空运行”,以完全检查血管造影设备,并确保在对患者进行放射性程序之前,在所有重要细节上都能令人满意地运行。如果成像系统发生故障,幻像在隔离和验证纠正问题方面也起着至关重要的作用。血管造影头影像将变量局限于组件和技术,是一种宝贵的服务和教学工具。





RSD RS-240血管造影头部模体有透明或不透明的型号。


3-dimensional high-contrast vascular pattern
Full or half-head
Tissue equivalent materials
Step wedge and resolution test patterns
Opaque or transparent
Alderson ANGIOGRAPHIC HEAD PHANTOMS bridge the gap between physical and anatomical information requirements. Molded in tissue equivalent material, an accurate male skull contains a 3-dimensional,  high-contrast vascular simulation to facilitate correlation of the radiologist's subjective evaluation of angiographic image quality with actual measurements of resolution and contrast under the same exposure conditions.

Each ANGIOGRAPHIC HEAD PHANTOM contains a 5-step wedge. A 2-10 line pair/mm test pattern is optional. Other patterns or test objects and custom pathologies are available on special order.

The ANGIOGRAPHIC HEAD PHANTOM provides a "dry run" to completely check out angiographic equipment and ensure that is operating satisfactorily in all significant details before subjecting patients to radiological procedures. If the imaging system malfunctions, the phantom also plays a critically important role in isolating and verifying correction of the problems. The ANGIOGRAPHIC HEAD PHANTOM confines the variables to components and technique and is an invaluable service and teaching tool.

Unique RSD soft-tissue equivalent material is used for the skin tissue and neck and is adjusted to brain density in the cranium. This material closely duplicates brain tissues in radio-absorptive and scatter properties. The phantom is virtually shatterproof.

A high contrast 3-dimensional vascular pattern is placed in the median plane. The pattern closely resembles an internal carotid arteriogram in its early phase. The radio-density of the angiographic pattern has been adjusted to represent a 75% contrast-media. The phantom can be used omnidirectionally.

The ANGIOGRAPHIC HEAD PHANTOM is available as either a full or half head. The full head has the advantage of representing the full scatter properties and subject contrast of a human head. The half-head model is well suited to non-grid techniques. It has the advantages of lighter weight, lower cost and smaller size, easily fitting into a briefcase.

The combination of the simulated vascular pattern, resolution chart, and stepwedge enables the user to correlate physical parameters (such as resolution, contrast and speed) with the subjective evaluation of the skull markings and the vascular detail.

The ANGIOGRAPHIC HEAD PHANTOM is available in either transparent or opaque models.

Opaque Full Angiographic Head with stepwedge
Transparent Full Angiographic Head with stepwedge RS-235
Opaque Full Angiographic Head with resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm) and stepwedge
Transparent Full Angiographic Head with resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm) and stepwedge

Opaque Half Angiographic Head with stepwedge
Transparent Half Angiographic Head with stepwedge
Opaque Half Angiographic Head with resolution test
pattern (2-10 1p/mm) and stepwedge
Transparent Half Angiographic Head with resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm) and stepwedge
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