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英国Viamed V1000胎儿心脏模拟器

品牌: 英国Viamed
单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-12-20 10:37

英国Viamed V1000胎儿心脏模拟器是手持设备,专为工程师,助产士和临床医生使用而设计。


英国Viamed V1000胎儿心脏模拟器与胎儿心脏监护仪和传感器一起使用:


英国Viamed V1000胎儿心脏模拟器包括4节AA电池,并提供硬塑料手提箱。

英国Viamed V1000胎儿心脏模拟器
V1000 Foetal Heart Simulator

The V1000 foetal heart simulator is a hand held device that has been designed for use by engineers, midwives and clinicians.

This unique patented simulator is easy to use and offers objective testing of foetal heart monitors, rather than subjective traditional methods or cumbersome and expensive test equipment.

To be used with foetal heart monitors and transducers for:

Testing prior to use
Fault finding and diagnosis
Soak testing
Simulation and training
Use as part of a PPM procedure
Includes 4 x AA batteries and is supplied in a hard plastic carry case.

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OST TMM温升测试模体,TMM超声探头温升测试模体 Cirs 015乳腺模体 德国IBA Mammo 152屏片乳腺摄影检测模体 Leeds TO16低对比度细节检测模体 SPL IN-600输液泵分析仪 SPL DP-600除颤分析仪 ES-300 ECG模拟器,心电模拟仪 SPL GM-300安规测试仪
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