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Ohmic UPM-30超声功率计,150 mW分辨率

品牌: 美国Ohmic
单价: 10.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-03-10 09:57

美国Ohmic UPM-30超声功率计,150 mW分辨率
UPM-30型通过测量换能器对锥形目标的辐射力来确定超声波的平均功率。该目标与用于测量由于超声辐射引起的克机械力的精密机械平衡耦合。当乘以14.65的常数时,克力与超声功率成正比,单位为瓦; 因此,2.05克力将等于30瓦的超声辐射。

UPM-30,UPM-30超声功率计,Ohmic UPM-30,Ohmic UPM-30超声功率计,Ohmic超声功率计

金属外壳 - 黑色

Ohmic’s Ultrasound Power Meter, Model UPM-30, is designed to measure the ultrasonic power output of diagnostic or therapeutic transducers up to 30 watts using the radiation force balance method. The UPM-30 consists of a precision mechanical balance which measures from 0.01 to 10.00 grams, a conical target suspended on a hanger, a water tank, a transducer support rod with clamp, and a carrying case. The transducer to be tested is center mounted over the conical target with the transducer’s radiating area immersed face down in the water medium.
Model UPM-30 determines the average ultrasonic power by measuring the radiant force exerted by the transducer on the conical target. This target is coupled to the precision mechanical balance which is used to measure the gram-mechanical force due to the ultrasonic radiation. The gram force is directly proportional to the ultrasound power in watts when multiplied by a constant of 14.65; therefore, a 2.05 gram force would be equal to 30 watts of ultrasound radiation.
The heart of the UPM-30 unit is its air-filled conical target. The weight of this target is nulled to a minimum by using its own buoyancy. Ultrasound energy is mechanically transferred from the target to the precision balance where it is measured. Reflected ultrasound energy is absorbed by closed-cell butyl rubber walls inside the water test tank. This system provides a sturdy instrument with good measurement accuracy and economical cost.

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